Is There a Better Time of the Year to Discuss Your Heart Than February?

Cardiac Rehab Team_rsz

Cardiac Rehab teaches patients the benefits of exercise, and the importance of emotional and physical health and proper nutrition. It was designed for patients recovering from a cardiovascular event, such as a heart attack or surgery, to help them learn lifestyle changes that lead to a longer, healthier life.

Take Action to Avoid Heart Attack or Stroke


Healthy choices go a long way in lowering your risk for heart attack or stroke. Try these three heart-smart strategies.

For Women, Heart Attacks Are Often Subtle


A heart attack, when blood doesn’t reach part of the heart muscle, is a medical emergency for everyone, but the symptoms that women experience can be easy to ignore.

Seven Ways to Jump-Start Kids’ Heart Health


The American Heart Association has come up with Life's Simple 7 for kids. Here are the basics and ideas on how to incorporate them into your family's life.

'Touching the Feet of Death': Tim Stewart's Story

Tim Stewart and his fiancé, Melissa

Previously a staunch critic of the COVID-19 vaccine, Tim Stewart now anxiously awaits his opportunity to receive it.

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