Four Sneaky Causes of Back Pain

Is ongoing achiness or sudden and sharp back pain making you wonder, “What happened?” When injury or heavy lifting isn’t to blame, consider these culprits:

1. Working from Home
Do your best to create a back-healthy workspace. And make good habits part of your routine: Sit straight, get up for breaks, stretch, and do back-strengthening exercises.

2. Hoisting Heavy Bags

Backpacks can be a better choice than shoulder bags and briefcases. To feel the benefits: Wear both straps. Only pack what you truly need. Place heavier items at the bottom, toward the center.

3. Snoozing Sleep Troubles
Aim for 7 to 9 hours nightly. Share ongoing sleep woes with your health care provider. Use a mattress that’s not too soft. (Place ½-inch thick plywood underneath, if needed for support.) Lay on your side, knees bent. Put a pillow between them if you like.

4. Lacking Vitamin D
Help sidestep nerve, muscle, and bone problems by eating foods like salmon, tuna, and fortified cereal and yogurt. If you have muscles spasms or chronic pain, talk with your provider about your risk for deficiency and whether to test your level.

Back pain has many sources, including other health problems. Your provider can help you find and deal with yours. 

Need help finding a provider? WellConnect Connection Specialists provide assistance in selecting a primary care provider that is perfect for your specific needs. They will even schedule your first appointment!
Contact WellConnect at English: 812-376-5136; Spanish: 812-343-9840


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