Is ongoing achiness or sudden and sharp back pain making you wonder, “What happened?” When injury or heavy lifting isn’t to blame, consider these culprits:
1. Working from Home
Do your best to create a back-healthy workspace. And make good habits part of your routine: Sit straight, get up for breaks, stretch, and do back-strengthening exercises.
Backpacks can be a better choice than shoulder bags and briefcases. To feel the benefits: Wear both straps. Only pack what you truly need. Place heavier items at the bottom, toward the center.
3. Snoozing Sleep Troubles
Aim for 7 to 9 hours nightly. Share ongoing sleep woes with your health care provider. Use a mattress that’s not too soft. (Place ½-inch thick plywood underneath, if needed for support.) Lay on your side, knees bent. Put a pillow between them if you like.
Back pain has many sources, including other health problems. Your provider can help you find and deal with yours.
Need help finding a provider? WellConnect Connection Specialists provide assistance in selecting a primary care provider that is perfect for your specific needs. They will even schedule your first appointment!
Contact WellConnect at English: 812-376-5136; Spanish: 812-343-9840