At Columbus Regional Health, we take pride in providing our patients
with the highest levels of patient care.
That’s why we use state of the art equipment that offers industry-leading image quality. Because the
image quality of our system is so high, your physicians
can obtain more clinical information than previous SPECT
systems to provide a more accurate picture of your health.
What is a SPECT exam?
A SPECT exam is a type of medical imaging that shows biological functions and detailed anatomical structures together. It tells us how your organs and tissue function. Using a small dose of radioactive material called a radioisotope, images are obtained related to the function of various body systems. SPECT, planar, and whole body imaging is provided.
Is it safe?
SPECT scans use invisible beams of ionizing radiation that pass through the body to create an image. At our facility, we are dedicated to the highest levels of patient safety— which is why our healthcare team selected technology that uses very low doses of radiation while maintaining excellent image quality.
What will happen at my appointment?
You’ll be asked to change into a gown; then you will
lie down on a patient table. The table will move slowly
through the gantry (the large doughnut-type shape).
Once you are in the correct position, your technologist
may ask you to hold your breath or not to move. You’ll
hear a low whirring sound during the exam.
Your SPECT Exam Checklist
- Remove all metal objects, such as a belt or jewelry.
- Bring images from previous examination (including
X-rays) with you.
- Ask your physician if your examination requires contrast.
If it does, find out how many hours you will need to fast
before the examination.
- Let your physician know if you have had previous
allergic reactions.