Please go to the reception desk. If a receptionist is not present, go directly to the registration desk located behind the reception desk.
If you arrive at the registration area after 7 p.m. Monday through Friday, after 12 p.m. on Saturday, or all day on Sunday, you will see a sign in the waiting area directing you to ring the doorbell located on the desk. After ringing the bell, please have a seat and someone will come to the desk to assist you.
If you are here for outpatient testing, a registration clerk will process your paperwork. You will need to provide your insurance card and requisition from your physician (if available). You will then be asked to sign a Condition of Services form and will receive a patient's rights letter. You will then be sent to your appropriate testing area.
If you are to be admitted as an inpatient, you will be transported to your designated nursing unit and registration paperwork will be completed on the unit. You will be asked to sign a Condition of Service form, as well as receive a patient's rights letter and information regarding Advance Directives. (If you have an Advance Directive, please bring a copy so it may become a part of your medical record.)