Neuropsychologist Yuko Yamato, Psy.D works with a patient.

Neuropsychology &Rehabilitation Psychology

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Neuropsychological Services

Are you or someone you know experiencing problems with memory loss or thinking? Have you noticed changes in your concentration, organization, reasoning, language, perception, coordination or personality?

If so, your doctor may request a neuropsychological evaluation.

This evaluation helps you and your doctor to understand how your brain is functioning and can be helpful to:

  • Identify strengths and weaknesses in one’s thinking abilities
  • Determine if patient has changes suggestive of Alzheimer’s disease or other conditions that can lead to dementia 
  • Identify ways in which medical conditions, such as stroke, seizure disorder, brain injury, multiple sclerosis, and brain tumors may be affecting one’s memory and thinking abilities
  • Identify the presence of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in adults and adolescents 
  • Determine if changes in memory and thinking abilities may be attributable to psychiatric factors, such as depression
  • Determine the course and progression of the identified condition
  • Determine the best plan for rehabilitation/care accordingly
  • Determine  readiness to return to work or school
  • Determine the effectiveness of medications or treatments
  • Establish a "baseline" or document one’s general thinking skills and abilities before there is a problem
  • Understand how changes in thinking abilities may impact one’s abilities to manage everyday tasks, such as managing money, driving, managing medications

The evaluation generally involves:

  • A detailed clinical interview with patient and family to obtain history 
  • Neuropsychological testing of motor and sensory skills, attention/concentration, language, visual spatial skills, memory, processing speed, executive function/problem solving and mood functioning
  • Feedback will be provided to discuss all test results and recommendations with patient and family
  • A detailed report will be sent to the referring doctor 

Rehabilitation Psychology

A rehabilitation psychologist provides counseling to address the emotional and behavioral factors that can affect chronic pain, insomnia, and other medical issues. Psychological services available include:

  • Individual counseling to address anxiety, depression and stress management
  • Family or marital counseling to address relationship changes due to pain
  • Relaxation Training and Biofeedback to reduce pain levels and improve a person's ability to cope with pain by teaching skills to lower the body's sensitivity to pain and decrease muscle tension

When a formal rehabilitation program is completed, an excellent option to maintaining pain relief should be continued through exercise and other wellness activities. Consult your doctor for the best treatment options for chronic pain.

Chronic pain is defined as pain that persists for six months or more. Chronic pain often persists after an injury does not heal properly or even after an injury heals completely. There are many causes of chronic pain including orthopedic injury, nerve damage, muscle dysfunction and poor circulation.

Sometimes there are surgical interventions that can eliminate or greatly reduce your pain, but in many cases surgery may not be helpful or may be too risky. This is when pain management becomes the treatment of choice. Although there may not be a cure, pain management can help reduce pain and increase daily functioning and overall quality or life. Chronic pain management works best when a team of clinicians works together with the primary care physician or a specialized pain physician.

It is important to choose a physical therapist that specializes in the treatment of chronic pain. Physical therapists utilize manual, modality and exercise treatments for pain control. Pain management exercises are designed to increase flexibility, strength, endurance and proper posture. Myofascial therapy helps muscles recover more quickly from exertion and fatigue. It can also help break the cycle of spasm and pain. Aquatic therapy is also utilized to help provide the most balanced environment for exercise.

Dr. Yuko Yamato

Our Neuropsychologist

Yuko Yamato, Psy.D., completed her doctorial training at the Graduate School of Professional Psychology at University of Denver and a post doctorate neuropsychology fellowship at the University of Missouri.

Dr. Karl Evans

Our Clinical Psychologist

Karl W. Evans, Psy.D, has been a member of the staff at Columbus Regional Health since 2003. Dr. Evans received his Bachelor's Degree from Hanover College and his Doctorate in Psychology from the Florida Institute of Technology.