You and / or your chosen representative have the right to be involved in decisions about ongoing care, treatment, services or discharge. This includes the right to participate in the development and implementation of your plan of care. This is based on the care, treatment and services that are required. The treatment, care and services will be provided within the hospital’s capability and mission. These services will also be in compliance with laws and regulations.
You will not be discriminated against on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age or disability of any sort, including a language barrier.
As allowed by state law, you have the right to have your family or representative involved in care, treatment and service decisions. Your representative has the right to make informed decisions regarding your care should you be unable to make decisions. These rights include being informed of your health status, being involved in care planning and treatment, and being able to request or refuse treatment. This right must not be construed as a mechanism to demand the provision of treatment or services deemed medically unnecessary or inappropriate. As allowed by law, you have the right to a legally responsible representative to make decisions for your care, treatment and service if you are unable to make those decisions. These rights include being able to request or refuse treatment. This right does not give a patient the right to demand treatment or services that are not deemed medically necessary or appropriate.
You and / or your chosen representative have the right to be informed of your health status. This includes the right of being informed of your diagnosis and prognosis.
You have the right to know the reasons for transfer either within or outside the hospital.
You have the right to know the name of the doctor or other practitioner primarily responsible for your care, treatment, and services in a timely basis. You have the right to know the professional status of any person providing care and services and the reasons for any proposed change in professional status of your care provider.
You have the right to have a family member or representative of your choice and your physician notified promptly of your admission to the hospital. You have the right to have your own physician notified of your admission to the hospital. Please advise a hospital staff member of the individual(s) you would like contacted and how to reach him or her.
You have the right to receive care in a safe setting and to refuse care, treatment and services as allowed by law. This includes the decision to forgo or withhold life-sustaining treatment or to withhold resuscitative treatment. Whether or not you have an advance directive does not determine your access to services. When you are not legally responsible, as allowed by law, your representative has the right to refuse care, treatment, and services on your behalf.
You have the right to be free from restraints of any form that are not medically necessary or are used as a means of coercion, discipline, convenience or retaliation by staff.