To Reduce Your Stress, Bird-watch

Bird perched on a bird feeder.
Your cat might be on to something. Sitting and watching birds may improve your brain health and well-being.

Here’s how.

Bird Benefits
Research shows that being around birds is good for mental health — even if you are stuck indoors.

A 2022 study found that seeing or hearing birds throughout the day boosted participants’ mental well-being. And a study published in 2021 showed a link between happiness and the number of bird species in people’s towns.

Experts aren’t sure why birds have such a positive effect on us. However, it might have to do with the connection to nature.

Mental health experts witnessed this firsthand. A small 2021 study of mental health professionals found that bird-watching walks had positive effects on their mood and stress levels. This proved to the clinicians that nature can improve a person’s psychological well-being.

How to Start Bird-watching
It’s easy to take up birding. Just look out your window! Or take a stroll around your neighborhood and keep your eyes (and ears) peeled. You can also visit the National Park Service (NPS) website at and search “birding” to learn about birds in different parks.

Mobile apps allow you to identify and log the birds you find. The Audubon Society offers a Bird Guide app that works with both Apple and Android phones.

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