What is a Hospitalist?

Hospitalists are medical physicians who specialize in the care of patients that require a hospital stay. They are on-site at the hospital seven days a week, 24 hours a day to provide you with ongoing and immediate care.
Why isn’t my regular physician seeing me in the hospital?
While you are in the hospital, your physician has asked our on-site hospitalists to care for you and your medical needs.  Hospitalists often admit patients for physicians who prefer to concentrate their efforts and expertise in the office setting.  Our hospitalists are experts in the care of hospitalized patients. 

Will my physician and the hospitalist work together?
While you are in the hospital, our hospitalist will consult with your physician and maintain regular communication with him or her during your stay.  In turn, your physician can provide the hospitalist with valuable information about your medical history, medications and special needs.

What happens when I leave the hospital?
Once you are discharged from the hospital, your primary care physician will resume responsibility for your medical care. Your hospitalist will communicate with your physician to help ensure a smooth transition.  For those patients who do not have their own physician, they will be referred to a qualified physician who will care for them after leaving the hospital.

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