WellConnect Can Help You Find a Primary Care Provider in Columbus


We know finding a primary care provider can be challenging. Calling multiple locations to find a provider who is accepting new patients can be time consuming. This is why Columbus Regional Health offers a unique and complimentary concierge service through WellConnect to help you quickly find a primary care provider. 

Meet the Connection Specialists at Columbus Regional Health’s WellConnect:
As Connection Specialists we work with you to find a primary care provider who is right for you and your healthcare needs, including a Spanish speaking Connection Specialist to help answer your healthcare, insurance, or community resource questions — and this service is completely FREE!

It is our goal to be your health and wellness partner for life. We have a varied selection of providers who are able to see the youngest of children to the eldest of our senior population. Our capable providers include nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and medical doctors. Not sure what type of provider to choose? We’ll work closely with you to determine the provider that will best suit your specific situation. Our trusted network of primary care providers is located throughout Columbus making access to our practices convenient and easy. 

Want to do a little research on your own before calling WellConnect? The Columbus Regional Health website has a comprehensive listing of all our providers that includes biographies, photos, patient reviews, and star ratings. Check it out at crh.org/doc.

Whether you are new to town or simply unsure of where to start when finding a new primary care provider, we are here to help you and are just a phone call away. We work closely with all of the CRH physician practices so that we know which providers are accepting new patients and which providers would be the best fit for your healthcare needs.  As your one-stop shop for establishing primary care, we will gladly review your options and preferences and work swiftly to schedule your new patient appointment.  

WellConnect Specialists are available by phone (812) 376-5136 or email at [email protected], Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Stop putting off scheduling that annual physical or getting your health check — it’s a new year and time to make that call!  We look forward to hearing from you soon to help you make that connection with your new provider. 
Learn more at crh.org/wellconnect

Sarah Bishop, Connection Specialist
Alyssa Miller, Connection Specialist
Kristi Stewart, Connection Specialist
Claudia Velez, Spanish Speaking Connection Specialist
Courtney Watkins, Connection Specialist

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