Admissions Procedure

Please Note: Applications are not mailed to prospective students nor are they available online.


All radiography program graduates seeking certification by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) must have completed at least an associate degree to be eligible to sit for the exam.

To meet this requirement, the Columbus Regional Hospital School of Radiologic Technology has partnered with Ivy Tech Community College to provide general education courses required for an Associate of Applied Science in Imaging Science degree.

1.  Prospective students must complete the Ivy Tech prerequisite courses listed in the Admission Requirements.    

a.  Students with prerequisites taken at Ivy Tech and wishing to apply to the radiography program are to seek academic advising and transcript review at one of the seven Ivy Tech campuses that are approved to award the degree in Imaging Science:  Columbus, Indianapolis, Lawrenceburg, Madison, Marion, Richmond, or Terre Haute.  Advisors will utilize an academic advising worksheet for radiologic technology to track this process. 

b.  Students with credit for prerequisite courses from other regionally-accredited institutions must transfer those courses to Ivy Tech; however to qualify for an Ivy Tech degree at least 15 of the prerequisite credits must have been taken at Ivy Tech. Students wishing to apply to the radiography program in this manner must seek academic advising, transcript review, and credit transfer at one of the seven Ivy Tech campuses that are approved to award the degree in Imaging Science: Columbus, Indianapolis, Lawrenceburg, Madison, Marion, Richmond, or Terre Haute.   Note that students wishing to transfer credit to Ivy Tech in this manner must be admitted to Ivy Tech prior to advising and transcript review.

2.  The prospective student must attend an information session to meet with the Program Director, receive information about the program, and participate in an aptitude test in the year he/she wishes to attend. This is an excellent opportunity to ask questions and gain an understanding of the program prior to applying for admission.

Information sessions are scheduled on designated Monday and Friday mornings in January and February prior to the March 1 deadline. Contact the Program Director to schedule an appointment. Please note that appointments are not made on a year-round basis, but may be made by calling the Program Director after Thanksgiving in the fall of each year.

3.  Upon completion of the above, the qualified applicant will receive an application to submit for admission to the School of Radiologic Technology. The completed application, official Ivy Tech grade transcripts, Ivy Tech advising check sheet, and a non-refundable $20 application fee (check or money order payable to Columbus Regional Hospital) must be submitted to the Program Director by the application deadline of March 1. No action will be taken on applications until after the application deadline.

4.  The student selection process is based upon a point system. Following the deadline, those applicants who meet published admission standards are evaluated in terms of academic potential. Points are awarded based upon course grades, SAT or ACT Score, aptitude test score, and reference checks. An interview process for the top scholastic candidates will be conducted as well.

The committee will select up to (6) qualified students who are offered admission to the program and two (2) who are selected as alternates in the event all of the selected students do not accept a position in the program. Class size may be adjusted yearly prior to the selection process at the discretion of program officials with consideration to the job market.

Courses in Progress

The deadline for submission of all application materials is March 1; however, applicants who have a required college course in progress at the time of application will be allowed to apply with documented evidence of enrollment in that course from their college. In the event that a student is accepted under these circumstances, the acceptance will be contingent upon completion of all required courses by the end of the current spring semester with an acceptable grade as stated above.  

Because a point system is used, students with all required courses completed and grades issued prior to the deadline of March 1 may have an advantage over those who have not yet completed all the required courses at the time of application.