Hearing loss is characterized by a person’s difficulty understanding speech clearly or hearing all sounds in the environment. Hearing aids have been used for decades to assist people with these problems.
Over the last 10 years hearing aid technology has greatly advanced in reference to providing better and more comfortable speech understanding in quiet environments, at a distance, and in the presence of background noise.
However, the cause of a hearing loss and its severity differ for each person as does each individual’s listening goals and lifestyle. Sometimes hearing aids alone are not enough to conquer all the challenges presented by a hearing loss. In these cases, hearing aid accessories can vastly improve the listening experience.
These accessories utilize Bluetooth technology. Depending on the manufacturer, this is either done directly through the hearing aids or by streaming device which allows your hearing aids to communicate with different accessories depending on the needs and goals of the listener. By allowing the signal to be sent straight to your hearing aids, it is as if the person is speaking directly into both of your ears, even if the person or TV is across a large room or in the presence of noise!! Some of the many options are described below:
TV Link — Sends the signal from your television to your hearing aids, providing you with an audible and comfortable signal. At the same time it allows other listeners to have the TV at a softer volume if they prefer.
Remote Microphones — Regardless of the environment, as long as the speaker is within 30 feet of the aided listener, the speaker wearing the remote mic will sound as if he or she is right next to you. Some situations where this is helpful are: when a family member has a soft voice, a speaker is at the front of a large room or classroom, in the front or back seat of a car, while on a walk or hike, or out golfing.
Telephones — Wireless access to land lines or cell phones depends on manufacturer. By using accessories the speaker’s voice can be brought directly to your ears and in many cases, allows you to be hands free.
There are accessories that can help in almost any environment where your hearing aids are just not enough. Don’t suffer through these situations. Call Columbus Regional Health’s Audiology Department at 812-376-5373, option 2 or 1-800-841-493, extension 5373, option 2 and schedule an appointment with one of our licensed audiologists who will be more than happy to discuss your individual needs and options.