In 2017, infant mortality in Bartholomew County had risen to an alarming rate with a very concerning spike in 2015 (13.7 deaths per 1,000 live births – the highest in the state for 2015).
In response to this trend, the Bartholomew County Fetal and Infant Mortality Review (FIMR) team was formed in 2018. This team meets quarterly to review fetal (still born deaths of greater than 20 weeks gestation) and infant (birth up to one year of
age) deaths in Bartholomew County.
This team has also worked with the Bartholomew County Health Department and the Indiana State Department of Health to understand the causes of, circumstances surrounding and prevention opportunities of infant deaths in our community.
In 2019, Healthy Communities formed the Infant Mortality Prevention Action Team (now called IMPACT). This team brings together over 40 community and healthcare partners who have a passion for maternal and child health to work towards making Bartholomew
County the best place for women and infants.
In partnership with the Columbus Regional Foundation and the Indiana State Department of Health, this team operates using Title V grant funding and donor dollars to truly make a difference in our community. Join us as we move the needle in maternal
and child health outcomes!