Opening Doors and Improving Lives: A WellConnect Story

In September 2018, Diana Daeger sent an email that possibly saved her life.

She had recently heard a presentation about Columbus Regional Health’s Connection Specialists and decided to ask them to help her find a local physician who would accept her health insurance.

“Before the presentation I had never heard of a navigator before,” Daeger said. “I told them what my problem was and within a week they emailed me back with the name of my new provider, an appointment time and contact information. They were much more helpful than I expected.”

The following week, Daeger showed up for her annual exam at her new physician’s office. There, she received news that she never could have anticipated. 

“They noticed something abnormal during my exam and referred me to an OB/GYN,” she said. “Dr. (Susan) Dorenbusch did some testing and called me in a few days to tell me I had endometrial cancer.”

Within six months of her initial email to the connection specialists, Daeger had a hysterectomy and had completed radiation treatment at the Columbus Regional Health Cancer Center

“I am very thankful for all of the doctors, nurses and staff that cared for me along the way,” Daeger said. “It was a very scary time for my family and me, but I am very happy to report that I am cancer free.”

Without the help of the CRH Connection Specialists, Daeger said, she is scared to think what would have happened.

“Honestly, I feel like if I had not contacted Kelly (Patel) at WellConnect I may have delayed finding a provider for myself, because it has always just been such a struggle finding providers that take our insurance,” she said. “Kelly took care of it all. She could have said, ‘Here is the name and number of a doctor,’ but she did not. She made an appointment for me and got all of the information so that all I had to do was show up. Thank you, WellConnect, for providing this service, it quite literally may have been a lifesaver.”

Daeger said she is recommending the Connection Specialists to friends and family.

”I am busy at work during the day, and I am busy in the evening making sure my kids get where they need to be. It is not easy to find the time to make these connections,” she said. “It is also discouraging and frustrating to make phone call after phone call, only to be told your insurance is not taken at that office.”

Kelly Patel, WellConnect Coordinator and insurance navigator, said calls like Daeger’s remind her how vital the navigation services are to the community.

“It is so rewarding to know that I potentially helped save a person’s life,” Patel said. “Healthcare can be so complicated sometimes. We like to call ourselves the ‘Easy Button’ for healthcare.” 

Community Connection Resource

WellConnect team members group photoThere are currently four CRH Connection Specialists stationed at WellConnect on Washington Street. They are available from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. They can answer most questions related to healthcare that are not seeking direct medical advice.

“We like to think of it as a concierge approach to healthcare,” Patel said. “It’s not really being done anywhere else. We want to make healthcare more accessible to everyone.”

A major focus for the specialists is scheduling first-time appointments with physicians for patients.

“I think a lot of people have a hard time finding a physician with openings. We pride ourselves in knowing which offices are accepting patients and we get them an appointment as soon as possible,” Patel said. “We try very hard to cater to each person’s needs, like if they need certain days or times we do our best to find an opening that fits their schedule.”

The Connection Specialists also try to pair patients with physicians that have similar interests, she said. 

“We are always learning as much as we can about each physician so we can pair patients with physicians we think they will best connect with,” Patel said. “When they feel connected with their physician, they are more likely to stay with them and receive better, continuous care.”

Insurance Navigation

Three of the connection specialists are certified Indiana Navigators, which means they can also answer questions and help patients find government insurances including Medicaid, Healthy Indiana Plan and Affordable Care Act insurances. Two specialists are certified State Health Insurance Assistance Program Counselors, which means they can help with Medicare specific options and questions. 

“We are experts in the field and it is still complicated at times,” Patel said. “A lot of people don’t understand insurance. It can be very overwhelming. We try to make it as simple as possible. We want people to feel welcome here. We want to be the living room of healthcare.”

The Connection Specialists also plan monthly educational events, called Lunch ‘n Learns, that are open to the public. These events feature presentations by local experts and cover various health and wellness topics. Recent classes have included the current opioid crisis, joint pain and Medicare basics. 

“We provide free lunch to those who attend and try to make the environment one in which people feel comfortable asking any questions they might have about that month’s topic,” Patel said. “Everybody needs to be educated about their health. We want the Lunch ‘n Learn events to be a place that people feel safe to learn about their health.” 

Patel said most people are surprised to learn that all of the services provided by the connection specialists are free.
“We just want to help people live their healthiest lives,” she said. “It is one of the ways CRH gives back to the community. We are trying to fill the gaps in healthcare and make healthcare more accessible to everyone in our community.”

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