Safety Measures to Prevent Respiratory Illnesses

Whether you call it cold or flu season, you’re not wrong – respiratory illness season is well upon us.  Respiratory illnesses are caused by viruses or bacteria that target and are transmitted through the upper and lower breathing systems of the body. They commonly affect the nasal passages, sinuses, and lungs, causing breathing issues, inflammation, congestion, fever, fatigue and other aches and pains. 

This year specifically, cases of flu, COVID and RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) are on the rise, and it is possible to contract multiple viral infections at the same time. So what can we do to protect ourselves and our loved ones?

We now have more capacity than ever before to help prevent people from becoming severely ill from these diseases, including:

  • Safe, updated immunizations:  For the first time ever, immunizations are available for all three major fall and winter respiratory diseases – flu, COVID, and RSV.
  • Widely available, effective treatments:  Treatments are available for flu and COVID-19 and can reduce severe illness, hospitalization, and death.
  • Testing: Tests, some of which can be used at home, can quickly detect these respiratory viruses so patients don’t delay treatment and other actions that can protect their family, friends, and coworkers.
  • Common-sense measures: Other tools like masking, physical distancing, washing hands, and improving airflow in the places where people live and work can provide an additional layer of protection.

Now is the time to double-down on the above precautions and safety measures. Be aware of what’s happening in your area and take extra caution to practice proper hand hygiene, consider masking, and avoid situations where viral spread is at a higher risk. Check out your county’s status and find local resources.

Have a question about what’s right for you? Contact your primary care provider. Need a provider? The Connection Specialists at Columbus Regional Health WellConnect would be happy to assist you. Contact them at 812.376.5136.

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